Archive for January, 2019

Master Key Experience: Week 17 – Miracles.

January 19, 2019

What do you think – does the universe send us the things when we’re ready, versus we search and find them when we are ready?   Who cares, right?  The sequence may be irrelevant.  But I don’t think circumstances are haphazard.   After conversations in MKMMA and with my peeps, I now find myself very curiously involved with reading Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Love:  Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”.    This comes at a time when I’m re-thinking who I think I am.   And who I want the world to think I am (like I control that, right?).  Changing my perception is part of the miracle.   It doesn’t feel like a mid-life crisis, or any kind of crisis.  It’s more like a chrysalis, a gradual metamorphosing into someone I don’t yet recognize, the developing heart of the I Am,  ready to mature in the future.   But I’m not yet exploding into that future.   I still sometimes act from fear, rather than love,  with reservation rather than exuberance, like I haven’t given myself permission to believe in the inevitability of the future of my new self’s vision.   This is a good exploration.  I can feel myself moving through this.  Looking forward to waking up tomorrow and to next week!

Master Key Experience: Week 16: Kindness

January 11, 2019

This week’s assignment, to notice kindness, has shifted a relationship in my office from irritable and sometimes adversarial to assistance and appreciation.   I don’t know what caused the shift; certainly the potential has always been there.  I don’t even know if it’s permanent.  I just experience and appreciate the different and assistive way we’re being with each other.   This week’s assignment, like the previous week’s, of noticing gratitude, has me also notice when my internal dialogue is NOT kindness, or gratitude, and to remember that I have choice in the moment, that I can “be who I will to be” in that moment.  There’s a lot of kindness rolling around; I am happier choosing to notice it.

Master Key Experience: Week 14 – Espresso love

January 4, 2019

My venerable Rancilio Audrey Espresso machine died just before Christmas.  No local repair support.  I decided what I wanted to do to replace her and started searching the internet, to discover that vendors wanted WAY more money than I wanted to spend!  Then, I heard an small internal voice: check my local Craigslist.  I live in a relatively small espresso-drinking city, but I listened.   And, to my amazement, there it was, exactly the brand I was searching for, a used Silvia espresso machine, modded exactly how I wanted it, for half the price of new, used only 10-15 times, only 20 minutes away from me.  Call it a coincidence, call it a miracle, call it the infinite responding to my subconscious.   I’m in love with this course.